About Early Math
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Past Events
The presenter information is below; click on their photo to find out more!
Download the Early Math Symposium Program
Dr. Lateefah Id-Deen
Seeing Math Differently: Nurturing Positive Math Identities in Children
Ann Gadzikowski
Creative Coding: How Block Play Develops Computational Thinking
Angela Russ-Ayon
"It's Always Math Time, so
Let’s Play!”
Linda Brault
Begin at the Beginning: UDL with Infants & Toddlers
Christine Roberts and Stephanie Ahumada
Power Up Place Value!
Jon Dueck
Creating the Environment for Math with Infants & Toddlers
Alejandra Alvarez and Paul Reimer
Invitations to Play: Designing
for Family Engagement Through STEAM Exhibits
Lesley Gates
STEAM Storytime:
Integrating Literature and STEAM in K-3 Classrooms
Dr. Jean Barbre
Baby Steps to STEM
Kevin Schaefer and Heather Snipes
Playful Beginnings =
Purposeful Futures
Katie Bauer and Hailey Michalk
Count Blocks In!
Stacy Anderson
Subtraction Fear No More
Rosemary Miller, Daniela Valenzuela, and Khrystal Alas
Cook, Play, Sing, Create
Family Math fun with Little Ones
Kirsten Bohl
Mathical Biographical Stories that Nurture Growth Mindset
Madhu Govind Kapoor, Jonathan Dueck, and Elin Anderson
Coaching in Early Math
Jody Guarino and Sue Kim
Nurturing Reasoning and Communication In Math With Early Learners
Brenda Gardner and Cecilia Valdez
Making Math Meaningful: Infants and Toddlers
Tracy Johnson
Exploring Loose Parts with Infants and Toddlers
Vanessa N. Bermudez
Nurturing Latine Children's Early Math Skills through Meaningful Play