Growing math minds... Changing math mindsets
The Spring STEAM Seminar Registration is now open! Register HERE!
Math is in the (Light)house!
To move the needle on low mathematics achievement across the state, the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools and partners launched the California Statewide Early Math Initiative (CAEMI), an innovative, multi-faceted, and comprehensive approach. The overarching goal of CAEMI is to improve mathematical outcomes for California’s children via the following strategies: provide ongoing teacher support through demonstration lessons, coaching, and mentoring; and increase family awareness and meaningful family engagement; and share resources with families and teachers - videos, early math application, math literature reviews and activities, guidance, briefs, replicable math and science installations, and tools for hosting community math nights. During this presentation, Barbara Daniel and Dr. Matilda Soria will share about the activities and math installations Fresno has piloted over the past year. Further, they will be sharing information and resources for home and community math installations, a Math pack program, and ideas for engaging families in fun mathematical explorations at home and at school.
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