Growing math minds... Changing math mindsets
The Spring STEAM Seminar Registration is now open! Register HERE!
Developing Early Math Skills in
Infants and Toddlers
Participants attending this workshop will learn about Cognitive Development in children birth to three with a focus on the CA Infant/Toddler Foundations related to early math concepts such as number sense, and classification.
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Arlene Paxton
Arlene Paxton is the Director of two major projects at WestEd, Center for Child & Family Studies, the Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC) Regional Support Network, and San Francisco Quality Connections, Quality Improvement System. Both projects aim to increase the capacity and improve the quality of early care and education services through the delivery of on-site training and technical assistance. As a member of the Regional Support Network Leadership Team, Paxton received the 2003 WestEd Paul D. Hood Award for Distinguished Contribution to the Profession. Paxton collaborates with the California Department of Education Early Learning and Care Division on the implementation of the PITC Regional Support Network activities, and participates on statewide leadership teams and advisory groups. She has led initiatives in California and other states, working closely with representatives from universities, First 5, Educare Learning Network, Departments of Education, and County Office Offices of Education to design training systems that support the professional development of early educators serving children birth to three and their families.
Paulina Escamilla-Vestal is a bilingual Infant/Toddler Specialist providing training and technical assistance to center-based programs and Family Child Care providers serving infants and toddlers. She has presented at national and regional conferences. Ms. Escamilla-Vestal has extensive experience in both Head Start and Migrant Head Start as a teacher, Program Manager and Education Coordinator. She has also served as adjunct faculty at community colleges teaching Child Development courses. She received her Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education from California State University at Sacramento.