Growing math minds... Changing math mindsets
The Spring STEAM Seminar Registration is now open! Register HERE!
Leveraging Students' Mathematical Thinking to Support Participation and Enhance Opportunities for Equity
This session explores how attending to the details of students’ thinking can enable teachers to engage students in learning together, making use of the resources that each student brings. Drawing on current research findings, we will explore classroom practices that draw on student thinking and leverage different forms of participation.
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Megan Franke, a professor of education at UCLA, supports and studies teachers as they make use of research based information about the development of children’s mathematical thinking (CGI). She works with students, teachers, and schools to challenge inequities and create opportunities for each of our students to learn with understanding. She is an author of Children’s Mathematics, Young Children’s Mathematics and NAEYC’s The Young Child and Mathematics, and Choral Counting & Counting Collections.
Megan Franke